Family: Trapaceae

By Science Staff

Not peer reviewed

Last Modified 03/19/2013

List of Trapaceae Genera

References to Trapaceae

  • Ahmad, S. H.; Singh, A. K. 1998. The freshwater aquatic fruit: water chestnut. Aquaphyte 18: 2-3.
  • Almendinger, M. 2010. Water chestnut sightings in New Jersey.
  • Anonymous 1938. New notes. Bill to remove Trapa natans as a nuisance. Torreya 38(3): 78-80.
  • Bassi, R. 1986. Studies on the leaf of Trapa natans polymorphism of chloroplast and microbodies. Cytobiosis 45: 109-122.
  • Conti, E.; Fischbach, A.; Sytsma, K. J. 1993. Tribal relationships in Onagraceae: implications from rbcL sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 672-685.
  • Countryman, N. D. 1977. Water Chestnu Trapa natans L. in Lake Champlain. Proc. Lake Champlain Basin Env. Conf. 4: 3-10.
  • Cozza, R. 1994. Effect of storage at low temperature on the germination of the waterchestnut (Trapa natans L.). Phyton-Horn 34: 315-320.
  • Graham, S. A. 2005. Phylogenetic analysis of the Lythraceae based on four gene regions and morphology. Int. J. Plant Sci. 166: 995-1017. (also Trapaceae)
  • Groth, A. T.; Lovett-Doust, L.; Lovett Doust, J. 1996. Population density and module demography in Trapa natans (Trapaceae), an annual, clonal aquatic macrophyte. Amer. J. Bot. 83: 1406-1425.
  • Hummel, M.; Findlay, S. 2006. Effects of water chestnut (Trapa natans) beds on water chemistry in the tidal freshwater Hudson River. Hydrobiologia 559: 169-181.
  • Hummel, M.; Kiviat, E. 2004. Review of world literature on water chestnut with implications for management in North America. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 42: 17-28.
  • Kadono, Y.; Schneider, E. L. 1986. Flora biology of Trapa natans var. japonica. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 99: 435-440.
  • Lamont, E. E.; Fitzgerald, J. M. 2001. Noteworthy plants reported from the Torrey Range- 2000. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 128: 409-414.
  • Madsen, J. D. 1993. Waterchestnut seed production and management in Watervliet Reservoir, New York. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 31: 271-272.
  • Menegus, F. 1992. Effects of oxygen level on metabolism and development of seedlings of Trapa natans and two ecologically related species. Physiol. Pl. 86: 168-172.
  • Methe, B. A. 1993. Seed production and growth of waterchestnut as influenced by cutting. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 31: 154-157.
  • Nieder, W. C. 2004. Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation and Trapa natans in the Hudson River estuary. J. Coastal Res. 2004: 150-161.
  • Serbanescu, J. G. 1992. Pollen morphology in the Trapaceae. Studii si Cercetari de Biologie Seria Biologie Vegetala 43: 9-10. (In Romanian)
  • Smith, R. H. 1955. Experimental control of Water Chestnut (Trapa Natans) in New York State. New York Fish and Game J. 2: 173-193.
  • Strayer, D. L. 2005. Interactions between alien species and restoration of large-river ecosystems. Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie Suppl. 155: 133-145. (Lythrum, Phragmites, Trapa)
  • Titova, G. E. 1997. Ovule and seed development in Trapa natans L. (Trapaceae) in connection with the specific of embryo sac structure, absence of endosperm and pseudomonocotyledony. Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Biol. 45: 81-92.
  • Titus, J. E. 1994. Submersed plant invasions and declines in New York. Lake and Reserv. Manag. 10: 25-28.
  • Winne, W. T. 1935. A study of the water chesnut, Trapa natans, with a view to its control in the Mohawk River. MS Thesis Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY,
  • Wu, J. 2006. Feasibility study of effect of ultrasound on water chestnuts. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 32: 595-601.