Family: Buxaceae

Buxus sempervirens L. - Common Boxwood
Photo © by Steven Clemants |
By Science Staff
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 03/20/2013
List of Buxaceae Genera
References to Buxaceae
- Alphin, T. H. 1940. A desciptive study of varietal forms in Buxus. Amer. J. Bot. 27: 349-57.
- Baldwin, J. T. 1974. Boxwood. Boxwood Bull. 14(1): 10-3.
- Behnke, H. D. 1982. Sieve-element plastids, exine sculpturing and the systematic affinities of the Buxaceae. Pl. Syst. Evol. 139: 257-66.
- Braun, J.; Brooks, G. R. 1987. Box turtles (iTerrapene carolina) as potential agents for seed dispersal. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 117: 312-8.
- Channell, R. B.; Wood, C. E. 1987. The Buxaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 68(2): 241-57.
- Fleming, P.; Kanal, R. 1992. Newly documented species of vascular plants in the District of Columbia. Castanea 57: 132-46.
- Gamble, M. A. 1981. An amateur's guide of boxwood nomenclature. Boxwood Bull. 21(2): 29-33.
- Goldblatt, P. 1976. Taxonomy of the cultivated boxwoods Buxus, Buxaceae. Boxwood Bull. 16(1): 12-3.
- Hull, J. C. 2002. Photosynthetic induction dynamics to sunflecks of four deciduous forest understory herbs with different phenologies. Int. J. Plant Sci. 163: 913-924.
- Köhler, E. 1978. Pollen types in the genus Buxus L. s.l., their geographical distribution and implications for taxonomy (Buxaceae).
- Köhler, E.; Br³ckner, P. 1990. Considerations on the evolution and chorogenesis of the genus Buxus (Buxaceae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 55: 153-68.
- Köhler, E.; Br³ckner, P. 1989. The genus Buxus (Buxaceae): aspects of its differentiation in space and time. Pl. Syst. Evol. 162: 267-83.
- Larson, P. D. 1996. Boxwood: its history, cultivation, propagation and descriptions. Foliar Press, Boyce, VA. , 228 pages. (See review in Boxwood Bull. 36(3):49-50. 1997.)
- Melikian, A. P. 1968. On the position of the families Buxaceae and Simmondsiaceae in the system. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Lenengrad) 53: 1043-7. (In Russian; English summary)
- Qui, Y. L. 1998. Phylogenetics of the Hamamelidae and their allies: parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequences of the plastid gene rbcL. Int. J. Plant Sci. 159: 891-905.
- Record, S. J.; Garratt, G. A. 1925. Boxwoods. Bull. Yale Univ. School Forest. 14: 1-81.
- Stafford, P. J. 1988. Evolution, systematics, and fossil history of the Hamamelidae.
- Tippo, O. 1938. Comparative anatomy of the Moraceae and their presumed allies. Bot. Gaz. 100: 1-99.
- von Balthazar, M.; Endress, P. K. 2002. Development of inflorescences and flowers in Buxaceae and the problem of perianth interpretation. Int. J. Plant Sci. 163: 847-876.
- von Balthazar, M.; Endress, P. K.; Qiu, Y. L. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships in Buxaceae based on nuclear internal transcribed spacers and plastid NDHF sequences. Int. J. Plant Sci. 161: 785-792.