Family: Thymelaeaceae

Dirca palustris L. - Leatherwood
Photo © by Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Taken by G. A. Kalmbacher, 1975.
Taken by G. A. Kalmbacher, 1975.
By Kerry Barringer
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 02/01/2013
List of Thymelaeaceae Genera
References to Thymelaeaceae
- Anderson, E. 1933. Leatherwood(Dirca palustris). Bull. Popular Inform. Arnold Arbor. 1: 25-7.
- Choquette, L. 1926. Contribution à l'Etude du dirca palustris L. ou bois de plomb. Trav. Lab. MatiÞre Med. Ecole Super. Pharm. Paris 17(4): 1-93.
- Del Tredici, P. 1991. Propagating leatherwood: a lesson in humility. Arnoldia (Jamaica Plain) 51: 63-6. (Reprint from Arnoldia 44(1):20-23. 1984.)
- Domke, W. 1934. Untersuchungen uber die systematische und geographische Gleiderung der Thymelaeaceen. Biblioth. Bot. 27(111): 1-151.
- Fernald, M. L. 1943. Fruit of Dirca palustris. Rhodora 45(532): 117-9.
- Floden, A. J. 2009. A new narrowly endemic species of dirca (Thymelaeaceae) from Kansas and Arkansas, with a phylogenetic overview and taxonomic synopsis of the genus. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3: 485-499.
- Freeman, C. C. 1998. Vascular plants new to Kansas. Sida 18: 593-604.
- Fuchs, A. 1938. Beitroge zur Embryologie der Thymelaeaceen. Oesterr. Bot. Z. 87: 1-41.
- Graves, W. R. 2004. Confirmation that Dirca spp. (Thymelaeaceae) reproduce from rhizomes. Rhodora 106: 291-294.
- Heinig, K. H. 1951. Studies in the floral morphology of the Thymelaeaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 38: 113-32.
- Heinig, K. H. 1948. Studies in the floral morphology of the Thymelaeaceae. Ph.D. Dissertation Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY64 figs. + 86 p.
- Herber, B. E. 2002. Pollen morphology of the Thymelaeaceae in relation to its taxonomy. Pl. Syst. Evol. 232: 107-121.
- Holm, T. 1921. Dirca palustris L. A morphological study. Amer. J. Sci. 2: 177-82.
- Jones, C. V. 1999. Growth and establishment of eastern leatherwood (Dirca palustris) in relation to forest management history. M.S. Thesis Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville, IL,
- Loew, F. A. 1946. Observations on the growth of an injured plant of Dirca palustris. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 55: 48-9.
- McVaugh, R. 1941. The fruit of the eastern leatherwood. Castanea 6(5): 83-6.
- Nevling, L. I. 1962. The Thymelaeaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 43: 428-34.
- Nevling, L. I. 1964. Typification in Dirca. J. Arnold Arbor. 45: 158-9.
- Peterson, B. J. 2009. Color of pubescence on bud scales conflicts with keys for identifying species of Dirca (Thymelaeaceae). Rhodora 111: 126-130.
- Peterson, B. J. 2011. Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of eastern leatherwood in five populations that span its geographic distribution. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 165: 1-21.
- Peterson, B. J.; Graves, W. R. 2011. Reproductive ecology of Dirca palustris L. (Thymelaeaceae). Castanea 76: 237-244.
- Schrader, J. A.; Graves, W. R. 2004. Systematics of Dirca (Thymelaeaceae) based on ITS sequences and ISSR polymorphisms. Sida 21: 511-524.
- Schulz, K.; Zasada, J. C.; Nauertz, E. 2004. Annual, local, and individual variation in the inflorescence and fruit production of eastern leatherwood (Dirca palustris L. Thymelaeaceae). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 131: 292-304.
- Vogelmann, H. 1953. A comparison of Dirca palustris and Dirca occidentalis. Asa Gray Bull. 2: 77-82.
- Ward, A. B.; Horn, C. N. 1998. A status survey of Dirca palustris L. (Leatherwood, Thymelaeaceae) in South Carolina. Castanea 63: 165-73.
- Williams, C. E. 2004. Mating system and pollination biology of the spring-flowering shrub, Dirca palustris. Plant Species Biol. 19: 101-106.
- Williams, C. E. 2009. Water dispersal potential of fruits of Dirca palustris L. (Thymeleaceae). Castanea 74: 372-375.