Family: Platanaceae

Platanus occidentalis L. - Sycamore
Photo © by Peter Nelson
Taken in Bucks Co., PA, 1992.
Taken in Bucks Co., PA, 1992.
By Science Staff
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 03/05/2013
List of Platanaceae Genera
References to Platanaceae
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- Angelo, R.; Boufford, D. E. 2010. Atlas of the flora of New England: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Rhodora 112: 244-326.
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- Bell, D. T.; Johnson, F. L. 1975. Phenological patterns in the trees of the streamside forest. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 102: 187-93.
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- Boothroyd, L. 1930. The morphology and anatomy of the inflorescence and flower of Platanaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 17: 678-93.
- Brett, D. 1979. Ontogeny and classification of the stomatal complex of Platanus. Ann. Bot. (London) 44: 249-51.
- Bretzler, E. 1924. Beitroge zur Kenntnis der Gattung platanus. Bot. Arch. 7: 388-417.
- Briscoe, C. B.; Dubarry, A. P. 1959. A simplified germination test for American sycamore. Tree Pl. Notes 35: 21.
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