Family: Araceae

Symplocarpus foetidus
Photo by Gerry Moore

By Science Staff

Not peer reviewed

Last Modified 03/19/2013

List of Araceae Genera

References to Araceae

  • Barabe, D. 1982. Vascularisation de la fleur de Symplocarpus foetidus (Araceae). Canad. J. Bot. 60: 1536-1544. (In French)
  • Barabe, D. 1994. Inflorescence development and phyllotaxis in Symplocarpus foetidus (Araceae). Canad. J. Bot. 72: 715-725. (In French)
  • Barabe, D. 1987. Organogenesis of the flower of Symplocarpus foetidus Araceae. Canad. J. Bot. 65: 446-455. (In French)
  • Barabe, D.; Forget, S. 1987. Phylogenetic analysis of the Calloideae Araceae. Naturaliste Canad. 114: 487-494. (In French)
  • Barabe, D.; Labrecque, M. 1983. Vascularization of the flower of Calla palustris Araceae. Canad. J. Bot. 61: 1718-1726. (Also Orontium)
  • Barabe, D.; Labrecque, M. 1985. Vasculature of the flower of Orontium aquaticum Araceae. Bull. Soc. Bot. France Lett. Bot. 132: 133-146. (In French)
  • Barriault, I. 2009. Flowering period, thermogenesis, and pattern of visiting insects in Arisaema triphyllum (Araceae) in Quebec. Botany 87: 324-329.
  • Bierzychudek, P. 1982. The demography of Jack-in-the-Pulpit, a forest perennial that changes sex. Ecol. Monogr. 52: 335-351.
  • Bierzychudek, P. 1984. Determinants of gender in jack-in-the-pulpit: the influence of plant size and reproductive history. Oecologia 65: 14-18.
  • Blackwell, W. H.; Blackwell, K. P. 1974. The taxonomy of Peltandra (Araceae). J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 90: 137-140.
  • Blake, S. F. 1912. The forms of Peltandra virginica. Rhododendron 14: 102-106.
  • Bogner, J.; Nicolson, D. H. 1991. A revised classification of Araceae with dichotomous keys. Willdenowia 21: 35-50.
  • Boles, R. 1996. Genetic structure and sexual reproduction potential of the perennial aroid Arisaema dracontium. M.S. Thesis University of Windsor, Ontario,
  • Boles, R. L.; Lovett Doust, J.; Lovett Doust, L. 1999. Population genetic structure in green dragon (Arisaema dracontium, Araceae). Canad. J. Bot. 77: 1410-1410.
  • Bonasera, J.; Lynch, J.; Leck, M. A. 1979. Comparison of the allelopathic potential of four marsh species. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 106: 217-222.
  • Braun, J.; Brooks, G. R. 1987. Box turtles (iTerrapene carolina) as potential agents for seed dispersal. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 117: 312-8.
  • Burke, D. J. 2008. Effects of Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard; Brassicaceae) on mycorrhizal colonization and community structure in three herbaceous plants in a mixed deciduous forest. Amer. J. Bot. 95: 1416-1425.
  • Buzgo, M 2001. Flower structure and development of Araceae compared with alismatids and Acoraceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 136: 393-425.
  • Cabrera, L. I. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of aroids and duckweeds (Araceae) inferred from coding and noncoding plastid DNA. Amer. J. Bot. 95: 1153-1165.
  • Camazine, S.; Niklas, K. J. 1984. Aerobiology of Symplocarpus foetidus interactions between the spathe and spadix. Amer. J. Bot. 71: 843-850.
  • Casadoro, G. 1982. Flowers of Orontium aquaticum membrane rearrangement in chloroplast chromoplast inter conversions. Journal of Ultrastructure Research 81: 202-208.
  • Cody, W. J. 1982. A comparison of the northern limits of distribution of some vascular plant species found in southern Ontario. Naturaliste Canad. 109: 63-90.
  • Cook, C. D. K. 1988. Wind pollination in aquatic angiosperms. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 768-777.
  • Cusimano, N. 2011. Relationships within the Araceae: comparisons of morphological patterns with molecular phylogenies. Amer. J. Bot. 98: 654-668.
  • Dalton, P. A. 1983. Aquatic and wetland plants of the Arnold Arboretum. Arnoldia (Jamaica Plain) 43: 7-44.
  • Dudley, M. G. 1937. Morphological and cytological studies of Calla palustris. Bot. Gaz. 98: 556-571.
  • Duvall, M. R. 1993. Phylogentic hypothesis for the monocotyledons constructed from rbcL sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 607-619.
  • Ewing, J. W.; Klein, R. A. 1982. Sex expression in jack-in-the-pulpit. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 109: 47-50.
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2000. Flora of North America. Volume 22. Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in part), and Zingiberidae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York. , 352 pages. (ISBN 0195137299)
  • French, J. C. 1986. Ovular vasculature in Araceae. Bot. Gaz. 147: 478-495.
  • Gauvin, C. 1984. Status report on the green dragon Arisaema dracontium in Canada.
  • Goldberg, B. 1941. Life history of Peltandra virginica. Bot. Gaz. 102: 641-662.
  • Grayum, M. H. 1990. Evolution and phylogeny of the Araceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 77: 628-697.
  • Grayum, M. H. 1987. A summary of evidence and arguments supporting the removal of Acorus from Araceae. Taxon 36: 723-729.
  • Grear, J. W. 1966. Cytogeography of Orontium aquaticum (Araceae). Rhodora 68: 25-34.
  • Grimaldi, D.; Jaenike, J. 1983. The Diptera breeding on skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus (Araceae). J. New York Entomological Soc. 91: 82-89.
  • Gusman, G.; Gusman, L. 2002. The genus Arisaema. A monograph for botanists and nature lovers. also through Timber Press & Koeltz Sci. Books. Gantner Verlag, Ruggell, Lichtenstein. , 450 pages. (ISBN 390414491X)
  • Hart, H. T. 1928. Delayed germination in seeds of Peltandra virginica and Celastrus scandens. Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Sta. 6: 255-61.
  • Haynes, R. R. 1988. Reproductive biology of selected aquatic plants. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 805-810.
  • Hellquist, C. B.; Crow, G. E. 1982. Aquatic vascular plants of New England: Part 5. Araceae, Lemnaceae, Xyridaceae, Eriocaulaceae, and Pontederiaceae.
  • Holm, T. 1891. Contributions to the knowledge of the germination of some North American plants. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 2: 57-108.
  • Hull, J. C. 2002. Photosynthetic induction dynamics to sunflecks of four deciduous forest understory herbs with different phenologies. Int. J. Plant Sci. 163: 913-924.
  • Hussey, J. S. 1974. Some useful plants of early New England. Econ. Bot. 28(3): 311-37.
  • Huttleston, D. G. 1981. The four subspecies of Arisaema triphyllum. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 108: 479-481.
  • Huttleston, D. G. 1953. A taxonomic study of the temperate North American Araceae. Ph.D. Dissertation Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY,
  • Ito, K. 2003. Structural requirements for the perception of ambient temperature signals in homeothermic heat production of skunk cabbage (Symlocarpus foetidus). Plant Cell and Environment 26: 783-788.
  • Johnson, R. A.; Willson, M. F.; Thompson, J. N.; Bertin, R. I. 1985. Nutritional values of wild fruits and consumption by migrant frugivorous birds. Ecology 66: 819-27.
  • Keating, R. C. 2003. Leaf anatomical characters and their value in understanding morphoclines in the Araceae. Bot. Rev. 68: 510-523.
  • Kevan, P. G. 1989. How honey bees forage for pollen at skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus Araceae. Apidologie 20: 485-490.
  • Klotz, L. H. 1992. On the biology of Orontium aquaticum L. (Araceae), golden club or floating arum. Aroideana 15: 25-33.
  • Leck, M. A. 1996. Germination of macrophytes from a Delaware River tidal freshwater wetland. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 123: 48-67.
  • Leck, M. A.; Simpson, R. L. 1993. Seeds and seedlings of the Hamilton marshes, a Delaware river tidal freshwater wetland. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 144: 267-81.
  • Lehmann, N. L.; Sattler, R. 1992. Irregular floral development in Calla palustris (Araceae) and the concept of homeosis. Amer. J. Bot. 79: 1145-1157.
  • Lemon, G. D.; Posluszny, U. 2000. Shoot development and evolution in Pistia stratiotes (Araceae). Int. J. Plant Sci. 161: 721-732.
  • Lovett-Doust, J.; Cavers, P. B. 1982. Resource allocation and gender in green dragon Arisaema dracontium (Araceae). Amer. Midl. Naturalist 108: 144-148.
  • Maheshwari, S. C. 1958. Spriodela polyrhiza: the link between the aroids and duckweeds. Nature 181: 1745-1746.
  • Mitra, E. 1966. Contributions to our knowledge of Indian freshwater plants. 5. On the morphology, reproduction and autecology of Pistia stratoites. Linn. J. Asiat. Soc. 8: 115-135.
  • Murata, J. 1990. Present status of Arisaema systematics. Bot. Mag. 103: 371-382.
  • Nelson, J. B. 1993. Noteworthy Collections, South Carolina. Castanea 58: 59-63.
  • Nie, Z. L. 2006. Intercontinental biogeography of subfamily Orontioideae (Symplocarpus, Lysichiton, and Orontium) of Araceae in eastern Asia and North America. Molec. Phylogenet. Evol. 40: 155-165.
  • Onda, Y.; Ito, K. 2005. Changes in the composition of xylem sap during development of the spadix of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 69: 1156-1161.
  • Packer, J. G.; Ringius, G. S. 1984. The distribution and status of Acorus (Araceae) in Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 62: 2248-2252.
  • Paratley, R. D. 1986. Vegetation-environment relations in a conifer swamp in central New York. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 113: 357-371.
  • Patt, J. M. 1995. The pollination biology of Tuckahoe, Peltandra virginica (Araceae). Amer. J. Bot. 82: 1230-1240.
  • Pickett, F. L. 1913. The germination of seeds of Arisaema. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 23: 125-128.
  • Pizzolato, T. D. 2008. Procambial initiation for the vascular system in the shoot of a seedling of Symplocarpus foetidus (Araceae). Int. J. Plant Sci. 169: 349-360.
  • Plowman, T. 1969. Folk uses of New World aroids. Econ. Bot. 23: 97-122.
  • Policansky, D. 1981. Sex choice and the size advantage model in Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). Proc. Nat. Acad. U.S.A. 78: 1306-8.
  • Renner, S. S.; Zhang, L. B. 2004. Biogeography of the Pistia clade (Araceae): Based on chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA sequences and Bayesian divergence time inference. Syst. Biol. 53: 422-432.
  • Renner, S. S.; Zhang, L. B.; Murata, J. 2004. A chloroplast phylogeny of Arisaema (Araceae) illustrates tertiary floristic links between Asia, North America, and East Africa. Amer. J. Bot. 91: 881-888.
  • Rennert, R. J. 1902. Seeds and seedlings of Arisaema triphyllum and Arisaema dracontium. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 37-56.
  • Reveal, J. L. 1990. The neotypification of Arum draconitum L. (Araceae). Bartonia 56: 15-16.
  • Rothwell, G. W. 2004. Molecular phylogenetic relationships among Lemnaceae and Araceae using the chloroplast trnL-trnF intergenic spacer. Molec. Phylogenet. Evol. 30: 378-385.
  • Ruhren, S.; Handel, S. N. 2000. Considering herbivory, reproduction, and gender when monitoring plants: a case study of jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum [L.] Schott.). Natural Areas Journal 20: 261-265.
  • Schultz, J. 2005. Propagation protocol for jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). Native Plants J. 16: 108-110.
  • Scribailo, R. W.; Tomlinson, P. B. 1992. Shoot and floral development in Calla palustris. Int. J. Plant Sci. 153: 1-13.
  • Seymour, R. S. 2004. Dynamics and precision of thermoregulatory responses of eastern skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus. Plant Cell and Environment 27: 1014-1022.
  • Seymour, R. S.; Blaylock, A. J. 1999. Switching off the heater: Influence of ambient temperature on thermoregulation by eastern skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus. J. Exp. Bot. 50: 1525-1532.
  • Shull, J. M. 1925. Spathyema foetida. Bot. Gaz. 79: 45-79.
  • Small, J. A. 1959. Skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 86: 413-416.
  • Stoddard, A. A. 1989. The phytogeography and paleoflo[r]istics of Pistia stratoites L. Aquatics 11: 21-24.
  • Thompson, S. A. 1995. Systematics and biology of the Araceae and Acoraceae of temperate North America. Ph.D. Dissertation Univ. Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL,
  • Treiber, M. 1980. Biosystematics of the Arisaema triphyllum complex. Ph.D. Dissertation Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
  • Vitt, P. 2001. Gender-related differences in gas exchange rates in the gender-switching species Arisaema triphyllum (Araceae). Rhodora 103: 387-404.
  • Vitt, P.; Holsinger, K. E.; Jones, C. S. 2003. Local differentiation and plasticity in size and sex expression in jack-in-the-pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum (Araceae). Amer. J. Bot. 90: 1729-1735.
  • Webster, C. R.; Parker, G. R. 2000. Evaluation of Osmorhiza claytonii (Michx.) C.B. Clarke, Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott, and Actaea pachypoda Ell. as potential indicators of white-tailed deer overabundance. Natural Areas Journal 20: 176-188.
  • Wen, J. 1996. Evolution of the eastern Asian and eastern North American disjunct genus Symplocarpus (Araceae): Insights from chloroplast DNA restriction site data. Bioch. Syst. 24: 735-747.
  • Whigham, D. F.; Simpson, R. L.; Leck, M. A. 1979. The distribution of seeds, seedlings, and established plants of arrow arum (Peltandra virginica (L.) Kunth) in a freshwater tidal wetland. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 106: 193-199.
  • Williams, K. A. 1919. A botanical study of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus. Torreya 19: 21-29.
  • Williams, K. K. 1919. A botanical study of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus. Torreya 19: 21-29.
  • Willson, M. F.; Thompson, J. N. 1982. Phenology and ecology of color in bird-dispersed fruits, or why some fruits are red when they are "green". Canad. J. Bot. 60: 701-3.
  • Wilson, K. A. 1960. The genera of the Arales in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor 41: 47-72.
  • Yang, J.; Lovett-Doust, J.; Lovett-Doust, L. 1999. Seed germination patterns in green dragon (Arisaema dracontium, Araceae). Amer. J. Bot. 86: 1160-1167.