Genus: Triadenum
Triadenum Raf., Med. Repos. 5: 352. 1808.List of Triadenum Species
References to Triadenum
- Adams, P. 1973. Clusiaceae of the southeastern United States. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 89: 62-71.
- Cooperrider, T. S. 1989. The Clusiaceae of Ohio. Castanea 54: 1-11.
- Gillet, J. M.; Robson, N. K. B. 1959. The St. John's worts of Canada. Natl. Mus. Canad. Nat. Sci. Publ. Bot. 11: 1-end.
- Gleason, H. A. 1971. Triadenum. Phytologia 2: 288-291.
- Reznicek, A. A. 1985. Tridenum virginicum (L.) Raf. (Marsh St.Johns-wort) in Ontario. Plant Press 3: 124-125.
- Wilson, S. D. 1991. Plasticity morphology and distribution in twelve lakeshore plants. Oikos 62: 292-298.
- Zika, P. F. 2003. Notes on the provenance of some eastern wetland species disjunct in western North America. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 130: 43-46.