Genus: Pyxidanthera
Pyxidanthera Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 152. 1803.List of Pyxidanthera Species
References to Pyxidanthera
- Beal, W. J. 1878. Insects needed to fertilize Utricularia and Pyxidanthera. Amer. Naturalist 12: 552-554.
- Godt, M. J. W. 1995. Low levels of allozyme differentiation between Pyxidanthera (Pyxie-moss) taxa (Diapensiaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 195: 159-168.
- Kral, R. 1983. Diapensiaceae: Pyxidanthera brevifolia Wells.
- Meehan, T. 1898. Pyxidanthera barbulata. Meehans' Monthly 8: 33-34. (pl. 3. see also Bot. Mag. 77: pl. 4592. 1851.)
- Primack, R. B.; Wyatt, R. 1975. Variation and taxonomy of Pyxidanthera (Diapensiaceae). Brittonia 27: 115-118.
- Reynolds, J. D. 1968. Morphological studies in the Diapensiaceae. I. Chromosome number and microspore development in Pyxidanthera brevifolia Wells. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 95: 653-656.
- Ronblom, K.; Anderberg, A. A. 2002. Phylogeny of Diapensiaceae based on molecular data and morphology. Syst. Bot. 27: 383-395.
- Wells, B. W. 1929. A new pyxie from North Carolina. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 44: 238-239.
- Wood, C. E.; Channell, R. B. 1959. The Empetraceae and Diapensiaceae the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 40: 161-71.