Genus: Ludwigia
Ludwigia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 118. 1753.List of Ludwigia Species
Ludwigia alternifolia
Ludwigia palustris
Ludwigia peploides var. glabrescens
Ludwigia sphaerocarpa
Ludwigia uruguayensis
Ludwigia polycarpa
Ludwigia brevipes
Ludwigia hirtella
Ludwigia linearis
References to Ludwigia
- Britton, Nathaniel L. 1890. New or noteworthy North American phanerogams. III. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 17: 310-6.
- Conti, E.; Fischbach, A.; Sytsma, K. J. 1993. Tribal relationships in Onagraceae: implications from rbcL sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 672-685.
- Eyde, R. H. 1982. Evolution and systematics of the Onagraceae: floral anatomy. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69: 735-747.
- Keating, R. C. 1982. Evolution and systematics of the Onagraceae: leaf anatomy. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69: 770-803.
- Monochino, J. 1945. Jussiaea uruguayensis in Staten Island, New York. Rhodora 47: 237-239.
- Munz, P. A. 1942. Studies in Onagraceae. XII. A revision of the New World species of Jussiaea. Darwiniana 4: 179-284.
- Munz, P. A. 1944. Studies in Onagraceae. XIII. The American species of Ludwigia. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 71: 152-165.
- Neff, K. P.; Baldwin, A. H. 2005. Seed dispersal into wetlands: Techniques and results for a restored tidal freshwater marsh. Wetlands 25: 392-404.
- Nesom, G. L. 2000. Observations on the Ludwigia uruguayensis complex (Onagraceae) in the United States. Castanea 65: 123-125.
- Peng, C. -I. 1988. The biosytematics of Ludwigia sect. Macrocarpium (Onagraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 970-1009.
- Peng, C. -I. 1989. The systematics and evolutionof Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium (Onagraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76: 221-302.
- Peng, C. -I. 2005. Systematics and evolution of Ludwigia section Dantia (Onagraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 307-359.
- Peng, C. -I. 2005. Systematics and evolution of Ludwigia section Dantia (Onagraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92: 307-359.
- Ramamoorthy, T. P.; Zardini, E. M. 1987. The systematics and evolution of Ludwigia sect. Myrtocarpus sensu lato (Onagraceae). Missouri Bot. Gard. Mongr. Syst. Bot. 19: 1-120.
- Raven, P. H. 1963. The Old World species of Ludwigia (including {Jussiaea), with a synopsis of the genus (Onagraceae). Reinwardtia 6: 327-427.
- Rejmankova, E. 1992. Ecology of creeping macrophytes with special reference to Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) Raven. Aquatic Botany 43: 283-299.
- Zardini, E. M. 1991. On the separation of two species within the Ludwigia uruguyensis complex (Onagraceae). Syst. Bot. 16: 242-244.