Genus: Melampyrum

By Science Staff

Not peer reviewed

Last Modified 02/15/2013

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Melampyrum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 605. 1753.

List of Melampyrum Species

References to Melampyrum

  • Chatin, A. 1892. Anatomie comparee des vegetaux plantes parasites. J. B. Baillare et Fils, Paris.
  • Gibson, D. J.; Good, R. E. 1987. The seedling habitat of Pinus echinata and Melampyrum lineare in oak-pine forests of the New Jersey pine barrens. Oikos 49: 91-100.
  • Gibson, W. 1993. Selective advantages to hemi-parasitic annuals, genus Melampyrum, of a seed-dispersal mutualism involving ants: I. Favorable nest sites. Oikos 67: 334-344.
  • Gibson, W. 1993. Selective advantages to hemi-parasitic annuals, genus Melampyrum, of a seed-dispersal mutualism involving ants: II. Seed-predator avoidance. Oikos 67: 345-350.