Genus: Egeria

By Science Staff

Not peer reviewed

Last Modified 04/08/2013

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Egeria Planchon, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 3, 11: 79. 1849.

List of Egeria Species

References to Egeria

  • Cook, C. D. K.; Urmi-Konig, K 1984. A revision of Egeria (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquatic Botany 19: 73-96.
  • Getsinger, K. D. 1991. Egeria: biology and management in temperate lakes. Aquatics 13: 8-11.
  • Haynes, R. R. 1988. Reproductive biology of selected aquatic plants. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 805-810.
  • Haynes, R. R.; Holm-Nielsen, L. B. 2001. The genera of Hydrocharitaceae in the southeastern United States. Harvard Papers in Botany 5: 201-275.
  • Kaul, R. B. 1970. Evolution and adaptation of inflorescences in the Hydrocharitaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 57: 708-715.
  • St. John, H. 1961. Monograph of the genus Egeria Planchon. Darwiniana 12: 293-307.
  • Tanaka, N. 2004. Correlation between pollen morphology and pollination mechanisms in the Hydrocharitaceae. J. Pl. Res. 117: 265-276.