Genus: Leucojum

By Science Staff

Not peer reviewed

Last Modified 03/20/2013

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Leucojum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 289. 1753.

List of Leucojum Species

General Discussion

Leucojum aestivum L. has been reported escaping from cultivation from unspecified localities in Bronx Co., NY, Fairfield Co., CT., and eastern Pennsylvania. It may eventually be confirmed in our area, but no specimens have yet been seen.

References to Leucojum

  • Bush, C. M. 2009. Phylogeny of Gaultherieae (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) based on DNA sequence data from matK, ndhF, and nrlITS. Int. J. Plant Sci. 170: 355-364.
  • Stern, F. C. 1956. Snowdrops and snowflakes- a study of the genera Galanthus and Leucojum. Royal Horticultural Society, London. , 128 pages.