Hedera helix L. - English Ivy

Hedera helix
Hedera helix   L.  -  English Ivy

Photo © by Peter Nelson
Taken in Rockport, MA, 1991.

Non-native , Frequent

By Science Staff

Not peer reviewed

Last Modified 03/09/2012

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Hedera helix

This common ornamental species is often found spreading vegetatively from cultivation, there is little or no evidence of expansion via fruits.

There is considerable disagreement over ivy taxonomy. Depending on which taxonomy one employs, the entity in our area may be classified as Hedera helix L. var. hibernica G. Kirchn. or Hedera hibernica (G. Kirchn.) Bean.

Common Names

English Ivy


There is considerable disagreement over ivy taxonomy. Depending on which taxonomy one employs, the entity in our area may be classified as Hedera helix L. var. hibernica G. Kirchn. or Hedera hibernica (G. Kirchn.) Bean.