Genus: Rhododendron

Photo © George Kalmbacker, 1969, taken at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.Nomenclature
Rhododendron L., Sp. Pl. 1: 392. 1753. Gen. Pl. 185. 1754 (also spelled “Rhododendrum”). LECTOTYPE: Rhododendron ferrugineum L., designated by Britton (1908).Ledum L., Sp. Pl. 391. 1753. Gen. Pl. 185. 1754. TYPE: Ledum palustre L. (=Rhododendron tomentosum ssp. subarcticum (Harmaja) G. D. Wallace).
Rhodora L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 561. 1762. Gen. Pl. ed. 6, 218. 1764. Hochenwartia Crantz, Inst. Rei Herb. 2: 469. 1766, nom. illeg. (Art. 52.1). TYPE: Rhodora canadense L. (=Rhododendron canadense (L.) Torr.).
Misapplied Names:
Azalea L., Sp. Pl. 1: 150. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 75. 1754, nom. rej. TYPE: Azalea procumbens L. (=Loiseluria procumbens (L.) Desv.).
Key to the species of Rhododendron
1. Leaves evergreen...21. Leaves deciduous...3
2. Leaves with dense orange or white pubescence below; corolla
deeply cleft and appearing to have separate petals...Rhododendron groenlandicum
Leaves without pubescence...I>Rhododendron maximum
3. Stamens 10; corolla irregular, divided nearly to the
3. Stamens 5; corolla more or less regular, funnelform...4
4. Stamens not exserted; corolla broadly funnelform...Rhododendron molle -- excluded
4. Stamens long exserted; corolla narrowly funnelform...5
5. Flowers appearing in mid summer, after the leaves have
expanded (essentially all of the leaves unfolded, and the vegetative bud scales
5. Flowers appearing before or with the leaves
(at least some of the leaves still folded or the vegetative bud scales still
6. Sepals under 1 mm long; pedicels puberulent and
6. Sepals 1.6-3 mm long; pedicels glandular but not
arborescens -- excluded species
7. Flowers yellow or orange...Rhododendron calendulaceum --
excluded species
7. Flowers white to pink...8
8. Floral bud scales glabrous; pedicels without short
pubescence and long hairs, usually only with long hairs; leaves glabrous or only
sparsely unicellular-pubescent...Rhododendron periclymenoides
Floral bud scales densely covered with unicellular hairs; pedicels with both
short pubescence and long hairs; leaves abaxially moderately to densely covered
with unicellular hairs...Rhododendron
List of Rhododendron Species
References to Rhododendron
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