Family: Ericaceae

Taken in the Pine Barrens, NJ, 1978.
By Steven Clemants
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 04/08/2013
Key to the genera of Ericaceae
1. Leaves 5 mm wide or less, often curled and appearing needle-like...21. Leaves 6 mm wide or more (commonly over 1 cm wide), usually not appearing needle-like...15
2. Leaves alternate...3
2. Leaves
opposite, whorled, or subverticilate...10
3. Flowers showy, perfect...4
3. Flowers
not showy, unisexual...9
4. Flowers 4-merous; fruit a white berry...Gaultheria
4. Flowers 5-merous;
fruit a capsule or red berry...5
5. Ovary inferior; fruit a red or blue berry...Vaccinium
5. Ovary superior;
fruit a capsule...6
6. Corolla salverform or campanulate; capsules septicidal...7
6. Corolla urseolate; capsules loculicidal..8
7. Capsule 2-3-locular; leaves glabrous beneath...Leiophyllum
7. Capsule 5-locular;
leaves densely villous beneath...Rhododendron
8. Leaves white-hairy beneath...Andromeda
8. Leaves with orange
scales beneath...Chamaedaphne
9. Flowers axillary; stigmas 6-9...Corema
9. Flowers in small
terminal heads; stigmas 2-5 (usually 3)...Empetrum
10. Flowers showy, perfect...11
Flowers not showy, unisexual...14
11. Flowers 4-merous...12
11. Flowers
12. Leaves opposite, 2-4 mm long...Calluna
12. Leaves whorled, 3-10
mm long...Erica
13. Petals fused together...Kalmia
13. Petals free...Leiophyllum
14. Flowers axillary; stigmas 6-9...Corema
14. Flowers in small
terminal heads; stigmas 2-5 (usually 3)...Empetrum
15. Leaves opposite, whorled, or subverticilate...Kalmia
15. Leaves alternate...16
16. Flowers 4-merous...Gaultheria
16. Flowers
17. Ovary inferior; fruit a blue berry...18
17. Ovary superior; fruit a capsule or red drupe...19
18. Leaves not glandular; ovary 4-5-locular with numerous
ovules and seeds...Vaccinium
18. Leaves glandular; ovary 10-locular with 10 ovules and seeds...Gaylussacia
19. Plants prostrate or low-growing to 3 dm tall...20
19. Plants erect, more than 3 dm tall...22
20. Plants prostrate; leaves cordate at base, ciliate...Epigaea
20. Plants erect; leaves
acute to rounded at the base, serrate or entire...21
21. Fruit a capsule; leaves serrate...Chimaphila
21. Fruit a red drupe;
leaves entire...Arctostaphylos
22. Flowers campanulate or salverform; fruit a septicidal
capsule... Rhododendron
Flowers urceolate; fruit a loculicidal capsule or a drupe...23
23. Leaves with orange scales; flowers single in the axils of
foliage leaves... Chamaedaphne
23. Leaves glabrous or variously hairy, without scales; inflorescences
racemes, panicles, or clusters...24
24. Leaves white-hairy beneath, often tightly curled...Andromeda
24. Leaves neither
white-hairy beneath nor curled...25
25. Capsule with white-thickened sutures; anthers spurred or
awned; leaves deciduous...Lyonia
25. Capsule without thickened sutures; anthers without spurs or awns (except
Pieris, in which case the leaves are evergreen); leaves deciduous or
evergreen (Pieris)...26
26. Leaves evergreen; anthers spurred...Pieris
26. Leaves deciduous;
anthers not spurred...27
27. Flowers in lateral racemes...Leucothoe
27. Flowers in terminal
List of Ericaceae Genera
References to Ericaceae
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