Genus: Leiophyllum

Sand Myrtle
Photo © Peter Nelson, 1967, taken in the New Jersey Pine Barrens.Nomenclature
Ledum sect. leiophyllum Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 477. 1805. Leiophyllum (Pers.) R. Hedw., Gen. Pl. 313. 1806. Dendrium Desv., J. Bot (Desvaux) 1: 36. 1813 nom. illeg. (Art. 52.1). Ammyrsine Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 1: 301. 1814 nom. illeg. (Art. 52.1). Fischera Sw., Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 5: 14. 1817 nom. illeg. (Art. 52.1). TYPE: Ledum buxifolium Bergius, but Ledum thymifolium Lam. according to Wood (1961).Key to the species of Leiophyllum
List of Leiophyllum Species
References to Leiophyllum
- Camp, W. H. 1938. Studies in the Ericales III. The genus Leiophyllum. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 65: 99-104.
- Copeland, H. F. 1943. A study, anatomical and taxonomic, of the genera of Rhododendroideae. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 30: 533-625.
- Cox, H. T. 1948. Studies in the comparative anatomy of the Ericales. I. Ericaceae - subfamily Rhododendroideae. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 39: 220-45.
- Edwards, S. T. 1821. Ammyrsine buxifolium. Bot. Reg. 7: pl. 531.
- Fernald, M. L. 1927. Leiophyllum versus Dendrium. Rhodora 29: 225-7.
- Ganapathy, P. S.; Palser, B. F. 1964. Studies of floral morphology in the Ericales VII. Embryology in the Phyllodoceae. Bot. Gaz. 125(4): 280-97.
- Hooker, J. D. 1884. Leiophyllum buxifolium. Bot. Mag. 110: pl. 6752.
- Kron, K. A.; Chase, M. W. 1993. Systematics of the Ericaceae, Empetraceae, Epacridaceae and related taxa based upon rbcL sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 735-41.
- Kron, K. A.; King, J. M. 1996. Cladistic relationships of Kalmia, Leiophyllum, and Loiseleuria (Phyllodoceae, Ericaceae) based on rbcL and nrITS data. Syst. Bot. 21(1): 17-29.
- Small, J. K. 1901. Shrubs and trees of the southern states--IV. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 356-61.
- Strand, A. E. 1989. Biosystematics and pollination ecology of Leiophyllum buxifolium (Ericaceae). M.S. Thesis Univ. Georgia, Athens,
- Strand, A. E.; Wyatt, R. 1991. Geographic variation and biosystematics of sand myrtle, Leiophyllum buxifolium (Ericaceae). Syst. Bot. 16: 529-45.
- Wherry, Edgar T. 1920. Observations on the soil acidity of Ericaceae and associated plants in the Middle Atlantic states. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 72: 84-111.
- Wilbur, R. L.; Racine, C. H. 1971. The genus Leiophyllum (Ericaceae): morphological variation, distribution and classification. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 87: 222-226.
- Young, J. A.; Young, C. G. 1992. Leiophyllum. In: Seeds of Woody Plants in North America. Dioscorides Press, Portland. , 201 pages.