Genus: Alyssum

By Science Staff

Not peer reviewed

Last Modified 04/15/2013

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Alyssum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 650. 1753.

List of Alyssum Species

References to Alyssum

  • Brown, R. C.; Lemmon, B. E.; Nguyen, H. 2004. Comparative anatomy of the chalazal endosperm cyst in seeds of the Brassicaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 144: 375-394.
  • Dudley, T. R. 1966. Ornamental madworts (Alyssum) and the correct name of the goldentuft alyssum. Arnoldia (Jamaica Plain) 26: 33-48.
  • Inamdar, J. A.; Rao, N. V. 1983. Light microscopic and scanning electron microscopis studies on trichomes of some Brassicaceae. Feddes Repert. 94: 183-190.