Genus: Hamamelis

Hamamelis virginiana L. - Witch-hazel
Photo © by Peter Nelson
Taken in Greenfield, MA, 1966.
Taken in Greenfield, MA, 1966.
By Steven D. Glenn & Angela Steward
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 02/06/2013
Hamamelis L., Sp. Pl. 124. 1753. Gen. Pl. 59. 1754. Trilopus Adans., Fam. Pl. 2: 381, 613. 1763, nom. illeg. (Art. 52.1). TYPE: Hamamelis virginiana L.Key to the species of Hamamelis
List of Hamamelis Species
References to Hamamelis
- Anderson, E.; Sax, K. 1935. Chromosome numbers in the Hamamelidaceae and their phylogenetic significance. J. Arnold Arbor. 16: 210-5.
- Anderson, G. J.; Hill, J. D. 2002. Many to flower, few to fruit: the reproductive biology of Hamamelis virginiana. Amer. J. Bot. 89: 67-78.
- Baillon, H. 1871. Saxifragacees. Hist. Pl. 3: 325-464. (In French; see English translation by M.M. Hartog, Nat. Hist. Pl. 3: 323-464. 1874)
- Berry, E. W. 1920. The geological history of the sweet gum and witch hazel. Pl. World 22: 345-54.
- Boerner, R. E. J. 1985. Foliar nutrient dynamics, growth, and nutrient use efficiency of Hamamelis virginiana in three forest microsites. Canad. J. Bot. 63: 1476-81.
- Bradford, J. L.; Marsh, D. L. 1978. Comparative studies of the witch hazels, Hamamelis virginiana L. and H. vernalis Sarg. Proc. Arkansas Acad. Sci. 31: 29-31. (Abstr. in Excerpta Bot., A, 33(1):19. 1979.)
- Clark, A. W. 1919. Seasonal variation in water content and in transpiration of leaves of Fagus grandifolia, Hamamelis virginiana, and Quercus alba. Contr. Bot. Lab. Morris Abor. Univ. Pennsylvania 4: 105-43.
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- Connor, S. 1995. Mystical, medicinal witch hazel. Arnoldia (Jamaica Plain) 55: 20-21.
- Davidson, D. W. 1966. Response of six shrub species to light regimes in two controlled-environment rooms. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 93: 432-437.
- De Steven, D. 1983. Floral ecology of witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana). Michigan Bot. 22: 163-71.
- De Steven, D. 1982. Seed production and seed predation in a temperate forest shrub (witch-hazel, Hamamelis virginiana). J. Ecol. 70: 437-43.
- De Steven, D. 1983. Reproductive consequences of insect seed predation in Hamamelis virginiana. Ecology 64: 89-98.
- Ernst, W. R. 1963. The genera of Hamamelidaceae and Platanaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 44: 193-210.
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- Gaut, P. C.; Roberts, J. N. 1984. Hamamelis virginiana seed germination. Pl. Propag. 34: 334-342.
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- Goldblatt, P.; Endress, P. 1977. Cytology and evolution in Hamamelidaceae. J. Arnold Arbor. 58(1): 67-71.
- Graenicher, S. 1906. Some notes on the pollination of flowers. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc. 4: 12-21.
- Hallier, H. 1903. Uber den Umfang, die Gliederung und die Verwandtschaft der Hamamelidaceen. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 14: 247-60.
- Hesse, M. 1978. Entwicklungsgeschichte und Ultrastruktur von Pollenkitt und Exine bei nahe verwandten entomophilen und anemophilen Angiospermensippen: Ranunculaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Platanaceae und Fagaceae. Pl. Syst. Evol. 130: 13-42.
- Hicks, D. J.; Hustin, D. L. 1989. Response of Hamamelis virginiana L. to canopy gaps in a Pennsylvania oak forest. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 121: 200-4.
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- Holm, T. 1931. The seedling of Hamamelis virginiana L. Rhodora 33(388): 81-92.
- Hooker, J. D. 1883. Hamamelis virginiana. Bot. Mag. 108: pl. 6684.
- Huebner, C. D.; Randolph, J. C.; Parker, G. R. 1995. Environmental factors affecting understory diversity in second-growth deciduous forests. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 134: 155-65.
- Jenne, G. E. 1966. A study of variation in North American Hamamelis L. (Hamamelidaceae). M.S. Thesis Vanderbilt Univ.,
- Jensen, A. E. 1901. Structure of the stem bark of Hamamelis virginiana L. Pharm. Arch. 4: 121-123. (See also Proc. A. Pharm. Assoc. 49:409-413. 1901.)
- Li, J. 2000. Phylogeny and biogeography of Hamamelis (Hamamelidaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany 5: 171-178.
- Li, J.; Bogle, A. L.; Donoghue, M. J. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships in the Hamamelidoideae inferred from sequences of trn non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA. Harvard Papers in Botany 4: 343-356.
- Mathew, C. J. 1981. Embryological studies in Hamamelidaceae: development of female gametophyte and embryogeny in Hamamelis virginiana. Phytomorphology 30(2-3): 172-80.
- Meehan, T. 1901. Hamamelis virginiana. Meehans' Monthly 11: 145-6.
- Mills, H. H.; Stephenson, S. L. 1999. Forest vegetation and boulder streams in the central Appalachian Valley and Ridge province, southwestern Virginia. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 126: 188-196.
- Mione, T. 1987. Comparative ontogeny of the inflorescences and flowers of Hamamelis virginiana and Loropetalum chinense (Hamamelidaceae). M.S. Thesis Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, NH,
- Mione, T.; Bogle, A. L. 1990. Comparative ontogeny of the inflorescence and flower of Hamamelis virginiana and Loropetalum chinense (Hamamelidaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 77(1): 77-91.
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- Paratley, R. D. 1986. Vegetation-environment relations in a conifer swamp in central New York. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 113: 357-371.
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- Townsend, D. S. ; Meyer, A. D. 2002. Rapid recovery of witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.) by sprouting, following release from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimm.) browsing. Natural Areas Journal 22: 290-295.
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