Genus: Fraxinus

Fraxinus americana L. - White Ash
Photo © by Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Taken by G. A. Kalmbacher, 1966.
Taken by G. A. Kalmbacher, 1966.
Fraxinus L., Sp. Pl. 1057. 1753. Gen Pl., ed. 5, 477. 1754. LECTOTYPE: Fraxinus excelsior L. designated by Britton & Brown (1913)Calycomelia Kostel., Allg. Med.-Pharm. Fl. 3: 1003. 1834. TYPE: Not designated.
Leptalix Raf., New Fl. 3: 93. 1838 (“1836”). TYPE: Not designated.
Aplilia Raf., New Fl. 3: 93. 1838 (“1836”). TYPE: Not designated.
Key to the species of Fraxinus
1. Leaflets sessile...21. Leaflets with a petiole...3
2. Rachis at base of leaflets with thick reddish tomentum;
flowers dioecious...Fraxinus nigra
2. Rachis
without conspicuous tomentum; flower polygamous...Fraxinus excelsior
3. Leaf scar upper margin sunken with bud down into scar...Fraxinus americana
3. Leaf scar
upper margin straight, with bud above scar...4
4. Current year’s twigs glabrous or with white or gray
tomentum...Fraxinus pennsylvanica
4. Current
year’s twigs with brownish-yellow tomentum...Fraxinus profunda
List of Fraxinus Species
References to Fraxinus
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- Abrams, M. D.; Kubiske, M. E.; Steiner, K. C. 1990. Drought adaptations and responses in five genotypes of Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.: Photosythesis, water relations and leaf morphology. Tree Physiology 6: 305-15.
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- Armstrong, J. E. 1982. Polyploidy and wood anatomy of mature white ash, Fraxinus americana. Wood & Fiber 14(4): 331-9.
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- Davidson, C. G.; Remphrey, W. R. 1990. An analysis of architectural parameters of male and female Fraxinus pennsylvanica in relation to crown shape and crown location. Canad. J. Bot. 68: 2035-43. (French summary)
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- Fitzgerald, C. H.; Reines, M. 1969. A comparative study of the flavonoid content of Fraxinus americana and Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Castanea 34: 192-4.
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- Hardin, J. W.; Beckmann, R. L. 1982. Atlas of foliar surface features in woody plants, V. Fraxinus (Oleaceae) of eastern North America. Brittonia 34: 129-40.
- Harris, J. R.; Bassuk, N. L.; Zobel, R. W.; Whitlow, T. H. 1995. Root and shoot growth periodicity of Green Ash, Scarlet Oak, Turkish Hazelnut, and Tree Lilac. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 120: 211-6.
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- McCormac, J. S.; Bissell, J. K.; Stine, S. J. 1995. The status of Fraxinus tomentosa (Oleaceae) in Ohio with notes on its occurrence in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Castanea 60: 70-8.
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- Meiners, S. J.; Gorchov, D. L. 1998. Effects of distance to Juniperus virginiana on the establishment of Fraxinus and Acer seedlings in old fields. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 139: 353-64.
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- Nikolaev, E. V. 1982. Morphogenesis and evolution of the genus Fraxinus (Oleaceae). Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Lenengrad) 67(4): 419-32. (In Russian; English summary)
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- Nilolaeva, M. G. 1958. The biology of germination of Fraxinus seeds and its bearing on the taxonomic position and the distribution of species of this genus. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Lenengrad) 43: 679-83. (In Russian)
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- Paratley, R. D. 1986. Vegetation-environment relations in a conifer swamp in central New York. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 113: 357-371.
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- Pickett, S. T. A.; Kempf, J. S. 1980. Branching patterns in forest shrubs and understory trees in relation to habitat. New Phyt. 86: 219-228.
- Pope, P. E.; Chaney, W. R.; Rhodes, J. D.; Woodhead, S. H. 1983. The mycorrhizal dependency of four hardwood tree species. Canad. J. Bot. 61: 412-7.
- Prusinkiewicz, P. W.; Remphrey, W. R.; Davidson, C. G.; Hammel, M. S. 1994. Modeling an architecture of expanding Fraxinus pennsylvanica shoots using L-systems. Canad. J. Bot. 72(5): 701-14.
- Rankin, W. T.; Pickett, S. T. A. 1989. Time of establishment of red maple (Acer rubrum) in early oldfield succession. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 116: 182-6. (Also Carya, Juniperus, Nyssa, Prunus, & Quercus)
- Remphrey, W. R. 1989. Shoot ontogeny in Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash). II. Development of the inflorescence. Canad. J. Bot. 67: 1966-78. (French summary)
- Remphrey, W. R. 1989. Shoot ontogeny in Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash). I. Seasonal cycle of terminal meristem activty. Canad. J. Bot. 67: 1624-32. (French summary)
- Remphrey, W. R.; Bartlett, G. A.; Davidson, C. G. 2002. Shoot morphology and fate of buds in relation to crown location in young Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. subintegerrima. Canad. J. Bot. 80: 1274-1282.
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- Remphrey, W. R.; Davidson, C. G. 1994. Shoot and leaf growth in Fraxinus pennsylvanica and its relation to crown location and pruning. Canad. J. Forest Res. 24: 1997-2005.
- Remphrey, W. R.; Davidson, C. G.; Blouw, M. J. 1987. A classification and analysis of crown form in green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). Canad. J. Bot. 65: 2188-95.
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- Ricklefs, R. E.; Matthew, K. K. 1982. Chemical characteristics of the foliage of some deciduous trees in southeastern Ontario. Canad. J. Bot. 60: 2037-45.
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- Roberts, B. R. 1980. Trees as biological filters. J. Arboric. 6(1): 20-3. (Sulphur dioxide & ozone)
- Rohwer, J. G. 1993. A preliminary survey of the fruits and seed of the Oleaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 115(2): 271-91.
- Rosario, L. C. 1988. Fraxinus pennsylvanica. ()
- Rudolf, P. O. 1929. A study of the seedling root systems of certain forest trees. M.S. Thesis Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY60 p.
- Santamour, F. S. 1962. The relation between polyploidy and morphology in white and biltmore ashes. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 89: 228-32.
- Santamour, F. S. 1963. Thirteen-year growth of some green ash provenances in the Northeast.
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- Sinclair, W. A.; Griffiths, H. M.; Lee, I. M. 1994. Mycoplasmlike organisims as causes of slow growth and decline of trees and shrubs. J. Arboric. 20(3): 176-89. (Fraxinus & Ulmus)
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