Genus: Betula

Photo © by Steven Clemants
Take at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1991.
Betula L., Sp. Pl. 982. 1753. Gen. Pl. 422. 1754. LECTOTYPE: Betula alba L., designated by Britton & Brown (1913).Chamaebetula Opiz, Lotos 5: 258. 1855. TYPE: Not designated.
Key to the species of Betula
1. Multi-stemmed shrub...Betula
1. Single- or multi-trunked tree...2
2. Bark on mature trunks whitish...3
Bark on mature trunks yellowish-gray to dark reddish-brown or
3. Bark on mature trunks tight, not exfoliating... Betula populifolia
3. Bark on mature trunks
exfoliating into thin strips...4
4. Leaf undersides pubescent at least along veins...5
4. Leaf undersides glabrous...6
5. Leaves cuneate or acute at the base... Betula papyrifera
5. Leaves subcordate at the
base...Betula cordifolia
6. Leaf apices with a long tapering tip...9
6. Leaf apices acuminate without long drawn tip...Betula
7. Leaf blades rhombic-ovate, base broadly cuneate to truncate;
twigs without a wintergreen taste or odor...Betula
7. Leaf blades ovate to elliptic, base rounded; twigs with a
wintergreen taste or odor...8.
8. Bark of mature trunks exfoliating; leaf undersides without
shiny resin dots...Betula alleghaniensis
Bark of mature trunks not exfoliating; leaf undersides with shiny resin
dots...Betula lenta
9. Leaves deltate or rhombic, bases mostly cuneate; axillary
buds 4-5 mm long, apices acute or acuminate...Betula pendula
9. Leaves ovate,
bases mostly truncate; axillary buds 5-7 mm long, apices obtuse to
acute...Betula ×caerulea
List of Betula Species
References to Betula
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- Abbe, E. C. 1935. Studies in the phylogeny of the Betulaceae. I. Floral and inflorescence anatomy and morphology. II. Extremes in the range of variation of floral and inflorescence morphology. Bot. Gaz. 97: 1-67.
- Abbe, E. C. 1930. The anatomy and morphology of the staminate inflorescence and flowers of the Betulaceae. M.S. Thesis Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY33 plates + 30 p.
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- Ahlgren, C. E. 1957. Phenological observations of nineteen native tree species in northeastern Minnesota. Ecology 38: 622-8.
- Alam, M. T.; Grant, W. F. 1972. Interspecific hybridization in birch (Betula). Naturaliste Canad. 99: 33-40.
- Alam, M. T.; Grant, W. F. 1971. Pollen longevity in birch (Betula). Canad. J. Bot. 49: 797-9.
- Allard, H. A. 1945. A second record for the paper birch, Betula papyrifera, in West Virginia. Castanea 10(2): 55-7.
- Altpeter, L. S. 1944. Use of vegetation in control of streambank erosion in Northern New England. J. Forest. 42(2): 99-107.
- Ames, O. I. 1939. Survey of hurricane damage at Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Arborist's News 4(1): 5-6.
- Amthor, J. S.; Gill, D. S.; Bormann, F. H. 1990. Autumnal laef conductance and apparent photosythesis by saplings and sprouts in a recently disturbed northern hardwood forest. Oecologia 84: 93-8.
- Anderson, A. B. 1955. Recovery and utilization of tree extractives. Econ. Bot. 9(2): 108-40.
- Anderson, E.; Abbe, E. C. 1934. A quantitative comparison of specific and generic differences in the Betulaceae. J. Arnold Arbor. 15: 43-9.
- Ashburner, K. 1980. Betula: a survey. The Plantsman 2(1): 31-53.
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- Atkinson, M. D.; Codling, A. N. 1986. A reliable method for distinguishing between Betula pendula and B. pubescens. Watsonia 16(1): 75-6.
- Axelrod, D. I. 1983. Biogeography of oaks in the arcto-tertiary province. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 70: 629-57. (Many other genera disscussed)
- Bailey, I. W. 1910. Notes on the wood structure of the Betulaceae and Fagaceae. Forest. Quart. 8: 178-185.
- Ball, J.; Simmons, G. 1980. The relationship between bronze birch borer and birch dieback. J. Arboric. 6(12): 309-14.
- Balter, H.; Loeb, R. E. 1983. Arboreal relationships on limestone and gneiss in northern New Jersey and southeastern New York. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 110: 370-9.
- Barden, L. S. 1983. Size, age, and growth rate of trees in canopy gaps of a cove hardwood forest in the southern Appalachians. Castanea 48: 19-23.
- Barnes, B. V. 1978. Pollen abortion in Betula and Populus (section Leuce). Michigan Bot. 17(4): 167-72.
- Barnes, B. V.; Dancic, B. P.; Sharik, T. L. 1974. Natural hybridization of yellow birch and paper birch. Forest Sci. 20: 215-21.
- Barrett, J. W.; Farnsworth, C. E.; Rutherford, W. Jr. 1962. Logging effects on regeneration and certain aspects of microclimate in northern hardwoods. J. Forest. 60(9): 630-9.
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- Bazzaz, F. A.; Miao, S. L. 1993. Successional status, seed size, and responses of tree seedlings to CO2, light, and nutrients. Ecology 74: 104-12.
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- Bernston, G. M.; Bazzaz, F. A. 1996. The allometry of root production and loss in seedlings of Acer rubrum (Aceraceae) and Betula papyrifera (Betulaceae): implications for root dynamics in elevated CO2. Amer. J. Bot. 83(5): 608-16.
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- Brittain, W. H.; Grant, W. F. 1971. Observations on the Betula caerulea complex. Naturaliste Canad. 98: 49-58.
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- Brittain, W. H.; Grant, W. F. 1967. Observations on Canadian birch (Betula) collections at the Morgan Arboretum. IV. B. caerula-grandis and hybrids. Canad. Field-Naturalist 81: 116-27.
- Brittain, W. H.; Grant, W. F. 1967. Observations on Canadian birch (Betula) collections at the Morgan Arboretum. V. B. papyrifera and B. cordifolia from eastern Canada. Canad. Field-Naturalist 81: 251-62.
- Brittain, W. H.; Grant, W. F. 1965. Observations on Canadian birch (Betula) collections at the Morgan Arboretum. II. B. papyrifera var. cordifolia. Canad. Field-Naturalist 79: 253-7.
- Brown, I. R.; Kennedy, D.; Williams, D. A. 1982. The occurrence of natural hybrids between Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh. Watsonia 14(2): 133-45.
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- Cox, R. M.; Lemieux, G.; Lodin, M. 1996. The assessment and condition of Fundy white birches in relation to ambient exposure to acid marine fogs. Canad. J. Forest Res. 26: 682-8. (French summary)
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