Family: Cornaceae

Cornus florida L. - Flowering Dogwood
Photo © by Peter Nelson
Taken in Greenfield, MA, 1967.
Taken in Greenfield, MA, 1967.
By Kerry Barringer
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 02/01/2013
Key to the genera of Cornaceae
1. Leaves usually opposite or whorled, may be alternate, but then clustered at the ends of the twigs; stamens 4...Cornus1. Leaves alternate; stamens ca. 10...Nyssa
List of Cornaceae Genera
References to Cornaceae
- Abrams, M. D. 2007. Tales from the blackgum, a consummate subordinate tree. Bioscience 57: 347-359.
- Abrams, M. D.; Kubiske, M. E.; Mostoller, S. A. 1994. Relating wet and dry year ecophysiology to leaf structure in contrasting temperate tree species. Ecology 75: 123-33.
- Acharya, S. N.; Chu, C. B.; Hermesh, R.; Schaalje, G. B. 1992. Factors affecting red-osier dogwood seed germination. Canad. J. Bot. 70(5): 1012-6.
- Adams, J. E. 1949. Studies in the comparative anatomy of the Cornaceae. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 65: 218-44.
- Allard, H. A. 1940. Natural layering of the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), and underground extension of some plants. Castanea 5: 122-3.
- Altpeter, L. S. 1944. Use of vegetation in control of streambank erosion in Northern New England. J. Forest. 42(2): 99-107.
- Ammons, N.; Core, E. L. 1945. The dogwoods of West Virginia. Castanea 10(3): 88-91.
- Anonymous 1880. Proceedings of the Torrey Club. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 7: 1.
- Barabe, D.; Vieth, J. 1980. Contribution à la typologie inflorescentielle de Cornus sericea L. (C. stolonifera Michaux). Bull. Soc. Bot. France 127: 47-52. (In French; English summary)
- Barabe, D.; Vieth, J. 1980. Contribution au probleme des fusions: la metatopie dans l'inflorescence de Cornus sericea (syn. C. stolonifera). Canad. J. Bot. 58: 918-35. (In French; English summary)
- Barbe, D. 1979. Etude de la metatopie dans les inflorescences de Cornus stolonifera Michaux (syn. C. sericea Linne) et C. baileyi Coulter & Evans. M.S. Thesis Univ. Montreal, Canada,
- Barrett, S. C. H. 1982. Breeding systems and flowering phenology of boreal forest herbs. Bot. Soc. Amer., Misc. Publ. 162: 28.
- Barrett, S. C. H. 1984. Variation in floral sexuality of diclinous Aralia (Araliaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 71: 278-88. (Also Cornus, Maianthemum, Medeola, & Trientalis)
- Barrett, S. C. H.; Helenurm, K. 1987. The reproductive biology of boreal forest herbs I. Breeding systems and pollination. Canad. J. Bot. 65: 2036-2046.
- Bate-Smith, E. C.; et al. 1975. Phytochemical interrelationships in the Cornaceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 3(2): 79-89.
- Boeken, B.; Canham, C. D. 1995. Biotic and abiotic control of the dynamics if gray dogwood (Cornus racemosa Lam.) shrub thickets. J. Ecol. 83(4): 569-80.
- Boerner, R. E. J.; Kost, J. A. 1986. Biomass equations for flowering dogwood, Cornus florida L. Castanea 51: 153-5.
- Boileau, F.; Crete, M.; Huot, J. 1994. Food habits of the black bear, Ursus americanus, and habitat use in Gaspesie Park, eastern Quebec. Canad. Field-Naturalist 108: 162-9. (French summary)
- Boman, J. S.; Casper, B. B. 1995. Differential postdispersal seed predation in disturbed and intact temperate forest. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 134: 107-116.
- Borowicz, V. A. 1988. Fruit consumption by birds in relation to fat content of pulp. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 119: 121-7.
- Borowicz, V. A.; Stephenson, A. G. 1985. Fruit composition and patterns of fruit dispersal of two Cornus spp. Oecologia 67: 435-41. (See Erratum: Oecologia 69:320. 1985.)
- Borthwick, H. A. 1957. Light effects on tree growth and seed germination. Ohio J. Science 57: 357-64.
- Boyd, R. S.; Pitzer, T. R. 1991. Effects of experimental defoliation on infructescences of flowering dogwood, Cornus florida L. (Cornaceae). Castanea 56: 142-6.
- Bradley, K. T. 1982. Natives. Pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia). Arbor. News Univ. Wisconsin 31(1): 5-6.
- Britton, E. C. 1913. Wild plants needing protection. 9. "Flowering dogwood" (Cynoxylon floridum). J. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 133-4.
- Britton, K.; Pepper, W.; Loftis, D. L.; Chellemi, D. 1994. Effect of timber harvest practices on populations of Cornus florida and severity of dogwood anthracnose in western North Carolina. Pl. Dis. Reporter 78(4): 398-402.
- Brown, D. A.; Windham, M. T.; Anderson, R. L.; Trigiano, R. N. 1994. Influence of simulated acid rain on the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) leaf surface. Canad. J. Forest Res. 24: 1058-62.
- Brown, R. T. 1967. Influence of naturally occurring compounds on germination and growth of jack pine. Ecology 48: 542-6. (Also discussions on Cornus, Gaultheria, & Prunus)
- Brunsfeld, S. J.; Soltis, D. E.; Soltis, P. S. 1991. Evolution of the big-bracted dogwoods (Cornus). Amer. J. Bot. 78(6)(Suppl.): 169. (Abstract)
- Buell, M. F.; Buell, H. F.; Small, J. A. 1973. Periodicity of tree growth in Hutcheson Memorial Forest. William L. Hutcheson Memorial For. Bull. 3: 24-6.
- Buhl, C. A. 1935. The nomenclature of some species of Cornus. Rhodora 37(438): 222-3.
- Burger, A. E. 1987. Fruiting and frugivory of Cornus canadensis in boreal forest in Newfoundland. Oikos 49: 3-10.
- Carr, D. E.; Banas, L. E. 2000. Dogwood Anthracnose (Discula destructiva): effects of and consequences for host (Cornus florida) demography. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 143: 169-177.
- Carr, M. E.; Roth, W. B.; Bagby, M. O. 1986. Potential resource materials from Ohio plants. Econ. Bot. 40(4): 434-41.
- Cathey, H. M.; Campbell, L. E. 1975. Security lighting and its impact on the landscape. J. Arboric. 1: 181-187.
- Chao, C. Y. 1954. Comparative pollen morphology of the Cornaceae and allies. Taiwania 5: 93-106.
- Chellemi, D. O.; Britton, K. O. 1992. Influence of canopy microclimate on incidence and severity of dogwood anthracnose. Canad. J. Bot. 70(5): 1093-6.
- Chellemi, D. O.; Britton, K. O.; Swank, W. T. 1992. Influence of site factors on dogwood anthracnose in the Nantahala Mountain range of western North Carolina. Pl. Dis. Reporter 76(9): 915-8.
- Chester, W.; Stone, C. 1964. A comparative study of the anthocyanins in the red-fruited and yellow-fruited flowering dogwood. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 91: 506-507.
- Chopra, R. N.; Kaur, H. 1965. Some aspects of the embryology of Cornus. Phytomorphology 15: 353-9.
- Clinton, B. D.; Boring, L. R.; Swank, W. T. 1994. Regeneration patterns in canopy gaps of mixed-oak forests of the southern Appalachians: influences of topographic position and evergreen understory. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 132: 308-19.
- Coladoanto, M. 1994. Cornus alternifolia. ()
- Coladoanto, M. 1993. Cornus racemosa. ()
- Conner, S. 1992. The flying dogwood shuttle. Arnoldia (Jamaica Plain) 52: 17-22.
- Cormier, C. 1991. New site for Cornus florida (Cornaceae) in Maine. Rhodora 93(876): 400.
- Coulter, J. M. 1890. Geographic distribution of North American Cornaceae. Proc. American Acad. Arts 39: 319-22.
- Coulter, J. M.; Evans, W. H. 1890. A revision of North American Cornaceae. Bot. Gaz. 15: 30-8, 86-97. (see also Bot. Jahrb. 15(Lit.):28. 1893.)
- Craddock, J. H. 2000. Storage of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) pollen. Hortscience 35: 108-109.
- Crane, M. F. 1989. Cornus sericea. ()
- Crane, M. F. 1989. Cornus canadensis. ()
- Cuno, J. B. 1926. Utilization of dogwood and persimmon. U.S.D.A. Dept. Bull. 1436: 1-43.
- Dallimore, W. 1915. The uses of Cornus wood. Kew Bull. 1915: 179-80.
- Dandy, J. E. 1957. Some new names in the British flora. Watsonia 4: 47. (Despite title, covers American spp.)
- Daughtrey, M. L.; Hibben, C. R.; Hudler, G. W. 1988. Cause and control of dogwood anthracnose in northeastern United States. J. Arboric. 14(6): 159-64.
- Davidar, P.; Morton, E. S. 1986. The relationship between fruit crop sizes and fruit removal rates by birds. Ecology 67: 262-5.
- Davis, O. H. 1927. Germination and early growth of Cornus florida, Sambucus canadensis, and Berberis thunbergii. Bot. Gaz. 84: 225-63.
- Davison, S. E. 1981. Tree seedling survivorship at Hutcheson Memorial Forest New Jersey. William L. Hutcheson Memorial For. Bull. 6: 4-7.
- Day, F. P.; Monk, C. D. 1977. Net primary production and phenology on a Southern Appalachian watershed. Amer. J. Bot. 64: 1117-25.
- Dermen, H. 1932. Cytological studies of Cornus. J. Arnold Arbor. 13: 410-5. (Also Nyssa)
- Dickinson, M. B.; Putz, F. E.; Canham, C. D. 1993. Canopy gap closure in thickets of the clonal shrub, Cornus racemosa. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 120: 439-44.
- Dirr, M. A. 1976. Clarifying the nomenclature of the red-stemmed dogwood. Amer. Nurseryman 144(2): 7-8.
- Downs, R. J.; Borthwick, H. A. 1956. Effects of photoperiod on growth of trees. Bot. Gaz. 117(4): 310-26.
- Drummond, B. A. 2005. The selection of native and invasive plants by frugivorous birds in Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 12: 33-44.
- Echternach, J. L.; Rose, R. K. 1987. Use of woody vegetation by beavers in southeastern Virginia USA. Virginia J. Sci. 38: 226-232.
- Edwards, J. 2005. A record-breaking pollen catapult. Nature 435: 164. (Cornus canadensis)
- Egler, F. E.; Anderson, J. P. 1982. Botanical studies in the stability of non-diversity: Cornus racemosa- gray dogwood. Newsletter Conn. Bot. Soc. 10(3): 1.
- Eyde, R. H. 1988. Comprehending Cornus: puzzles and progress in the systematics of the dogwoods. Bot. Rev. (Lancaster) 54(3): 233-351.
- Eyde, R. H. 1987. The case for keeping Cornus in the broad Linnaean sense. Syst. Bot. 12(4): 505-18.
- Eyde, R. H. 1983. Classifying the Cornaceae, problems and progress. Amer. J. Bot. 70(5)(suppl.): 113.
- Eyde, R. H. 1985. The case for monkey-mediated evolution in big-bracted dogwoods. Arnoldia (Jamaica Plain) 45: 2-9.
- Fairbrothers, D. E.; Johnson, M. A. 1964. Comparative serological studies within the families Cornaceae (dogwood) and Nyssaceae (sour gum). In: Taxonomic biochemistry and serology. Ronald Press, New York. , 305-18 pages.
- Fan, C.; Xiang, Q. Y. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships within Cornus (Cornaceae) based on 26S RDNA sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 88: 1131-1138.
- Farwell, O. A. 1931. Concerning some species of Cornus of Philip Miller. Rhodora 33(387): 68-72.
- Ferguson, I. K. 1966. The Cornaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 47: 106-7.
- Ferguson, I. K. 1966. Notes on the nomenclature of Cornus. J. Arnold Arbor. 47: 100-5.
- Ferguson, I. K. 1972. Cornus pollen. Watsonia 9(1): 58-9.
- Fernald, M. L. 1941. Cornus canadensis L. forma rosea. Rhodora 43(508): 156. (See Hara in Rhodora 44:20. 1942.)
- Flinn, M. A.; Pringle, J. K. 1983. Heat tolerance of rhizomes of several understory species. Canad. J. Bot. 61: 452-7.
- Floyd, B. W.; Noble, R. D. 1980. Intraseasonal variation in chlorophyll content and chloroplast ultrastructure of selected plant species in a deciduous forest. Canad. J. Bot. 58: 1504-19.
- Fosberg, F. R. 1942. Cornus sericea L. (C. stolonifera Michx.). Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 69: 583-9.
- Foster, H. L. 1986. Cornus canadensis. Bull. Amer. Rock Gard. Soc. 44(2): 64-7.
- Gardescu, S.; Marks, P. L. 2004. Colonization of old fields by trees vs. shrubs: seed dispersal and seedling establishment. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 131: 53-68.
- Gill, D. S.; Marks, P. L. 1991. Tree and shrub seedling colonization of old fields in central New York. Ecol. Monogr. 61: 183-205.
- Goldblatt, P. 1978. A contribution to cytology in Cornales. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 65: 650-5.
- Good, N. F.; Good, R. E. 1972. Population dynamics of tree seedlings and saplings in a mature eastern hardwood forest. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 99: 172-8.
- Gorchov, D. L. 1987. Sequence of fruit ripening in bird-dispersed plants: consistency among years. Ecology 68: 223-5.
- Gordon, A. G.; Gorham, E. 1963. Ecological aspects of air pollution from an iron-sintering plant at Wawa, Ontario. Canad. J. Bot. 41: 1063-78.
- Green, W. E. 1947. Effect of water impoundment on tree mortality and growth. J. Forest. 45: 118-20.
- Gunatilleke, C. V. S.; Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N. 1984. Some observations on the reproductive biology of three species of Cornus (Cornaceae). J. Arnold Arbor. 65(3): 419-27.
- Hall, I. V.; Sibley, J. D. 1979. The Biology of Canadian weeds. 20. Cornus canadensis L. In: The Biology of Canadian weeds. Contributions 1-32. Biosystematics Research Institute, Ottawa. , 232-9 pages. (Publication 1693)
- Hara, H. 1948. The nomenclature of the flowering dogwood and its allies. J. Arnold Arbor. 29: 111-5.
- Hara, H. 1942. A purple flowered form of Cornus canadensis. Rhodora 44(517): 20. (See Fernald in Rhodora 43:156. 1941.)
- Hardin, J. W.; Murrell, Z. E. 1997. Foliar micromorphology of Cornus. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 124: 124-39.
- Harms, H. 1897. Die Gattungen der Cornaceen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 21-29. (In German)
- Harrington, R. A.; Brown, B. J.; Reich, P. B. 1989. Ecophysiology of exotic and native shrubs in southern Wisconsin I. Oecologia 80: 356-367.
- Harrington, R. A.; Brown, B. J.; Reich, P. B. 1989. Ecophysiology of exotic and native shrubs in southern Wisconsin II. Oecologia 80: 368-373.
- Heale, E. L.; Ormrod, D. P. 1982. Effects of nickle and copper on Acer rubrum, Cornus stolonifera, Lonicera tatarica, and Pinus resinosa. Canad. J. Bot. 60: 2674-81.
- Heatley, R. C.; Kielbaso, J. J.; Howell, G. S. 1994. Environmental adaptation and ornamental display of Cornus florida ecotypes. J. Arboric. 20(6): 305-9.
- Helenurm, K.; Barrett, S. C. H. 1987. The reproductive biology of boreal forest herbs II. Phenology of flowering and fruiting. Canad. J. Bot. 65: 2047-2056.
- Hibben, C. R. 1990. Anthracnose threatens the flowering dogwood. Arnoldia (Jamaica Plain) 50: 16-20.
- Hibben, C. R.; Daughtrey, M. L. 1988. Dogwood anthracnose in northeastern United States. Pl. Dis. Reporter 72: 199-203.
- Hillebrand, G. R.; Fairbrothers, D. E. 1965. Phytoserological correspondence among selected genera of the Cornales, Garryales, Rosales, Rubiales, and Umbellales as an indication of the taxonomic position of the genus Viburnum (Abstr.). Amer. J. Bot. 52: 648.
- Hillebrand, G. R.; Fairbrothers, D. E. 1970. Phytoserological systematic survey of the Caprifoliaceae. Brittonia 22: 125-133. (Also Cornus & Nyssa)
- Hillebrand, G. R.; Fairbrothers, D. E. 1970. Serological investigation of the systematic position of the Caprifoliaceae. I. Correspondence with selected Rubiaceae and Cornaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 57(7): 810-5. (Also Nyssa)
- Hooper, J.; Bullington, R. A. 1972. Invasion of woody plants in abandoned soil bank area of Pine Rock Preserve in Ogle County. Trans. Illinois State Acad. Sci. 65: 58-67.
- Horn, J. C. 1985. Responses of understory tree seedlings to trenching. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 114: 252-8.
- Horne, A. 1914. A contribution to the study of the evolution of the flower, with special reference to the Hamamelidaceae, Caprifoliaceae, and Cornaceae. Trans. Linn. Soc. London Bot. 8: 239-309.
- Houston, D. R. 1985. Dieback and declines of urban trees. J. Arboric. 11(3): 65-72.
- Hoyt, S. F. 1957. Ecology of the pileated woodpecker. Ecology 38: 246-56.
- Hummel, R. L.; Ascher, P. D.; Pellett, H. M. 1982. Genetic control of self-incompatability in red-osier dogwood. Heredity 73: 308-9.
- Hummel, R. L.; Ascher, P. D.; Pellett, H. M. 1982. Inheritance of photoperiodically induced cold acclimation response in Cornus sericea L., red-osier dogwood. Theor. Appl. Genet. 62: 385-94.
- Hutchinson, J. 1942. Neglected generic characters in the family Cornaceae. Ann. Bot. (London) 6: 83-93.
- Jacquart, E. M.; Armentano, T. V.; Spingarn, A. L. 1992. Spatial and temporal tree responses to water stress in an old-growth deciduous forest. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 127: 158-71.
- James, T. D. W.; Smith, D. W. 1978. Seasonal changes in the major ash constituents of leaves and some woody components of trembling aspen and red osier dogwood. Canad. J. Bot. 56(15): 1798-803.
- Jenkins, M. A.; White, P. S. 2002. Cornus florida L. mortality and understory composition changes in western Great Smoky Mountain National Park. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 129: 194-206.
- Jensen, S. R.; Kjaer, A.; Nielsen, B. J. 1975. The genus Cornus: non-flavonoid glucosides as taxonomic markers. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 3(2): 75-8.
- Johnson, R. A.; Willson, M. F.; Thompson, J. N.; Bertin, R. I. 1985. Nutritional values of wild fruits and consumption by migrant frugivorous birds. Ecology 66: 819-27.
- Jurik, T. W.; Weber, J. A.; Gates, D. M. 1988. Effects of temperature and light on photosynthesis of dominant species of a northern hardwood forest. Bot. Gaz. 149: 203-8.
- Kasmer, J.; Kasmer, P.; Ware, S. 1984. Edaphic factors and vegetation in the piedmont lowland of southeastern Pennsylvania. Castanea 49: 147-57.
- Knapp, A. K.; Carter, G. A. 1998. Variability in leaf optical properties among 26 species from a broad range of habitats. Amer. J. Bot. 85: 940-946.
- Kost, J. A. 1984. Levels of nutrient use efficiency in Cornus florida along a moisture and nutrient gradient. M.S. Thesis Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH,
- Kost, J. A.; Boerner, R. E. J. 1985. Foliar nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiency in Cornus florida. Oecologia 66: 602-6.
- Kozlowski, T. T. 1980. Responses of shade trees to pollution. J. Arboric. 6: 29-40. (Sulphur dioxide & ozone)
- Krefting, L. W.; Roe, E. I. 1949. The role of some birds and mammals in seed germination. Ecol. Monogr. 19: 269-286.
- Kubitzki, K. 1963. Zur Kenntnis des unilokularen Cornaceen-Gynezeums. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 76: 33-9. (In German)
- Lawrey, J. D. 1977. Trace metal accumulation by plant species from a coal strip-mining area in Ohio. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 104: 368-375.
- Lovell, J. H. 1898. The insect visitors of flowers. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 382-390.
- Martin, W. L.; Sharik, T. L.; Oderwald, R. G.; Smith, D. W. 1982. Phytomass: structural relationships for woody plant species in the understory of an Appalachian oak forest. Canad. J. Bot. 60: 1923-7.
- McDonnell, M. J.; Stiles, E. W. 1983. The structural complexity of old field vegetation and the recruitment of bird-dispersed plant species. Oecologia 56: 109-16.
- McEwan, R. W. 2000. Temporal and ecological patterns of flowering dogwood mortality in the mixed mesophytic forest of eastern Kentucky. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 127: 221-229.
- Mielke, M. E. 1989. How to identify and control dogwood anthracnose.
- Morgan, D. R.; Soltis, D. E. 1993. Phylogenetic relationships among members of Saxifragaceae sensu lato based on rbcL sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 631-660.
- Morse, W. C. 1907. Contribution to the life history of Cornus florida. Ohio Naturalist 8: 197-204.
- Mudry, P.; Schilling, E. E. 1983. Flavonoids of Cornus florida. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 110: 226-227.
- Muir, P. S. 1992. Effects of ambient acidic rain on cation concentrations in leaves of Acer saccharum and Cornus florida. Canad. J. Forest Res. 22(4): 490-6.
- Murrel, Z. E. 1993. Phylogenetic relationships in Cornus (Cornaceae). Syst. Bot. 18(3): 434-53.
- Murrell, Z. E. 1993. Phylogenetic relationships in Cornus (Cornaceae). Syst. Bot. 18: 469-95.
- Myers, J. A. 2004. Seed dispersal by white-tailed deer: implications for long-distance dispersal, invasion, and migration of plants in eastern North America. Oecologia 139: 35-44.
- Myster, R. W. 1994. Contrasting litter effects on old field tree germination and emergence. Vegetatio 114: 169-174.
- Myster, R. W. 1993. Effects of litter, distance, density and vegetation patch type on postdispersal tree seed predation in old fields. Oikos 66: 381-388.
- Noshiro, S.; Baas, P. 1998. Systematic wood anatomy of Cornaceae and allies. IAWA Bull. 19: 43-97.
- Nuzzo, V. A.; McClain, W.; Strole, T. 1996. Fire impact on groundlayer flora in a sand forest. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 136: 207-21.
- Ohta, Y. 1971. Self-incompatability in Cornus florida and C. kousa. Rep. Kihara Inst. Biol. Res. 22: 14.
- Oswald, F. W. 1956. A new color form of cornel from New Jersey. Phytologia 5: 337-8.
- Pammel, L. H.; King, C. M. 1918. The germination of some trees and shrubs and their juvenile forms. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 25: 291-340.
- Pickett, S. T. A.; Kempf, J. S. 1980. Branching patterns in forest shrubs and understory trees in relation to habitat. New Phyt. 86: 219-228.
- Pojarkova, A. 1950. De systemate generis Linneani Cornus L. Bot. Mater. Gerb. Glavn. Bot. Sada SSSR 12: 164-80. (In Russian & Latin)
- Quimby, D. C. 1951. The life history and ecology of the jumping mouse Zapus hudsonius. Ecol. Monogr. 21: 61-95.
- Reader, R. J. 1975. Effect of air temperature on the flowering date of dogwood (Cornus florida). Canad. J. Bot. 53(15): 1523-34.
- Reed, S. M. 2005. Effect of storage temperature and seed moisture on germination of stored flowering dogwood seed. J. Environ. Hort. 23: 29-32.
- Rehder, A. A. 1910. A new hybrid Cornus (Cornus rugosa x stolonifera). Rhodora 12: 121-4.
- Rhoads, A. F. 1976. Forest species show a delayed response to cement dust in the soil. J. Arboric. 2(10): 197-9.
- Richardson, A. D. 2001. Differential aluminium and calcium concentrations in the tissues of ten Cornus species. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 128: 120-127.
- Rickett, H. W. 1944. Cornus stolonifera and Cornus occidentalis. Brittonia 5: 149-59.
- Rickett, H. W. 1945. New combinations in Cornus. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 72: 223.
- Rickett, H. W. 1934. Cornus amomum and Cornus candidissima. Rhodora 36(428): 269-74.
- Rickett, H. W. 1936. On nomenclature in Cornus. Rhodora 38(445): 51.
- Rickett, H. W. 1942. The names of Cornus. Torreya 42: 11-4. (see also <em>ibid</em> 131)
- Rickett, H. W. 1945. Cornales. N. Amer. Fl. 28B: 297-316.
- Ricklefs, R. E.; Matthew, K. K. 1982. Chemical characteristics of the foliage of some deciduous trees in southeastern Ontario. Canad. J. Bot. 60: 2037-45.
- Roberts, S. W.; Knoerr, K. R.; Strain, B. R. 1979. Comparative field water relations of four co-occurring forest tree species. Canad. J. Bot. 57: 1876-82.
- Ruger, M. 1870. Cornus canadensis. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 1: 6.
- Sargent, C. S. 1893. Cornus. Silva N. Am. 5: 63-72.
- Sertorius, A. 1893. Beitroge zur Kenntnis der Anatomie der Cornaceae. Bull. Herb. Boissier 1: 469-84, 496-512, 551-70, 614-39. (In German)
- Shahid, A. 2009. Selection of seeds of common native and non-native plants by granivorous rodents in the northeastern United States. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 162: 207-212.
- Shank, C. K. 1938. The leaf and stem anatomy of Cornus florida in relation to light exposure. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 19: 419-26.
- Sherburne, J. A. 1972. Effects of seasonal changes in the abundance and chemistry of the fleshy fruits of northeastern woody shrubs on patterns of exploitation by frugivorous birds. Ph.D. Dissertation Cornell University, Ithaca, NY157 p.
- Smith, A. J. 1975. Invasion and ecesis of bird-disseminated woody plants in a temperate forest sere. Ecology 56(1): 19-34.
- Smith, B. B. 1975. A quantitative analysis of the megagametophyte of five species of Cornus L. Amer. J. Bot. 62(4): 387-94.
- Smithberg, M. H. 1964. Patterns of genetic variation among some climatic races of red-osier dogwood. M.S. Thesis Univ. Minnesota139 p.
- Smithberg, M. H.; Weiser, C. J. 1968. Patterns of variation among climatic races of red-osier dogwood. Ecology 49: 495-505.
- Sobey, D. G.; Barkhouse, P. 1977. The structure and rate of growth of the rhizomes of some forest herbs and dwarf shrubs of the New Brunswick-Nova Scotia border region. Canad. Field-Naturalist 91: 377-83.
- Sork, V. L. 2005. A two-generaation analysis of polen pool genetic structure in flowering dogwood, Cornus florida (Cornaceae), in the Missouri Ozarks. Amer. J. Bot. 92: 262-271.
- Spring, P. E. 1973. Population dynamics of Quercus prinus L., Acer rubrum L. and Cornus florida L. in a forested ecosystem. M.S. Thesis Univ. Georgia, Athens55 p.
- Stermitz, F. R.; Krull, R. E. 1998. Iridoid glycosides of Cornus canadensis: a comparison with some other Cornus species. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 26: 845-849.
- Stevens, C. E. 1968. A remarkable disjunct occurrence of Cornus canadensis in the Virginia Blue Ridge. Castanea 33: 247-8. (Also Betula)
- Stoll, R. J. 1980. Foods of ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus in Ohio USA. Ohio Fish Wildlife Rep. 1980: 1-18.
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