Family: Rhamnaceae

Rhamnus cathartica L. - Common Buckthorn
Photo © by Steven Clemants
Taken at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NY, 1996.
Taken at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NY, 1996.
By Steven D. Glenn
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 03/11/2013
Key to the genera of Rhamnaceae
1. Leaves 3-nerved from the base; flowers numerous; petals present, long-clawed...Ceanothus
1. Leaves not 3-nerved; flowers few; petals, when present, with short or no claw...2.
2. Flowers 4-merous ...Rhamnus
2. Flowers 5-merous ...Frangula
List of Rhamnaceae Genera
References to Rhamnaceae
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