Family: Pinaceae

Pinus virginiana Mill. - Virginia Pine
Photo © by Steven Clemants
Taken at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NY, 1997.
Taken at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NY, 1997.
By Science Staff
Not peer reviewed
Last Modified 04/16/2013
Key to the genera of Pinaceae
1. Needles solitary...21. Needles in clusters of 2 or more...5
2. Needles attached directly to stem, leaving a smooth, rounded
scar upon detachment...3
2. Needles attached to persistent,
minutely elevated or projecting peg-like woody structures (sterigmata)...4
3. Buds rounded, usually resinous; cones upright; cone scales
without prominent lobes...Abies
3. Buds
pointed, not resinous; cones pendulous; cone scales with 3 prominent lobes, the
middle lobe long and narrow...Pseudotsuga
4. Needles quadrangular in cross section...Picea
4. Needles flat in cross
5. Needles in cluster of 10-60, deciduous...Larix
5. Needles in clusters of
2-5, evergreen...Pinus
List of Pinaceae Genera
References to Pinaceae
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- Blum, B. M. 1988. Variation in the phenology of bud flushing in white and red spruce. Canad. J. Forest Res. 18(3): 315-9.
- Bobola, M. S. 1996. Using nuclear and organelle DNA markers to discriminate among Picea rubens, Picea mariana, and their hybrids. Canad. J. Forest Res. 26: 433-43. (French summary)
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- Bouille, M.; Bousquet, J. 2005. Trans-species shared polymorphisms at orthlogous nuclear gene loci among distant species in the conifer Picea (Pinaceae): implications for the long-term maintenance of genetic diversity in trees. Amer. J. Bot. 92: 63-73.
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- Boyce, R. L. 1995. Patterns of foliar injury to red spruce on Whiteface Mountain, New York, during a high-injury winter. Canad. J. Forest Res. 5: 166-9. (French summary.)
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- Brown, H. P. 1912. Growth studies in forest trees. I. Pinus rigida Mill. Bot. Gaz. 54: 386-402.
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- Brown, R. T. 1967. Influence of naturally occurring compounds on germination and growth of jack pine. Ecology 48: 542-6. (Also discussions on Cornus, Gaultheria, & Prunus)
- Bubier, J. L. 1991. Patterns of Picea mariana (black spruce) growth and raised bog development in Victory Basin, Vermont. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 118: 399-411.
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- Buchholz, K. 1980. Mineral nutrient accumulations in Pinus rigida Mill. from Plains and Barrens populations in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, and an analysis of density, biomass and net annual above-ground productivity of Plains Pinus rigida. Ph.D. Dissertation Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ185 p.
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- Chapman, H. H. 1952. The place of fire in the ecology of pines. Bartonia 26: 39-44.
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- Cheliak, W. M.; Wang, J.; Pitel, J. A. 1988. Population structure and genetic diversity in tamarack, Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch. Canad. J. Forest Res. 18(10): 1318-24.
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